High Accμracy Project
Press Release June 15th, 2023
Euro Nano Forum 2023, Lund
HI-ACCURACY’s coordinator Alexander Blümel (Joanneum Research) as well as Andreas Falk and Clemens Wolf (BioNanoNet) visited „Euro Nano Forum 2023“ in Lund (Sweden) from 11.6.2023-13.6.2023. A HI-ACCURACY project poster has been displayed, showing the overall project concept and goals. Besides the interesting talks, the partners enjoyed the fruitful dicussions during the poster session, the coffee breaks and the conference dinner. In summary Euro Nano Forum 2023 offered an excellent opportunity to disseminate the project results as well as to establish new contacts for potential collaboration.To learn more and access the full programme please visit: https://www.horizon-europe-community.at
To learn more about these innovations, as well as details about the partner organisations, visit www.hi-accuracy.eu This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 862410.