High Accμracy Project
Press Release 1st June 2022
Hi-Accuracy Consortium M26 Meeting Graz, Austria
The Hi-Accuracy project co-ordinators, Joanneum Research, hosted the latest consortium meeting in the lovely city of Graz, Austria. Fortunately, many partners were able to travel and attend the meeting in person, while others opted to join remotely.
Alexander Blümel, Andreas Rudorfer and Herbert Gold, all of Joanneum Research, welcomed the team and led the two day long programme of meetings. The consortium was able to discuss the progress of Hi-Accuracy to date and develop a strategy for the
remainder of the project’s duration - the aim being to catapult the project forward, towards completion and commercialisation in 2023.
Much of the discussion centred around how the team would overcome the technical challenges still facing the consortium, specifically the development of test structures that will be the foundation of Hi-Accuracy’s final demonstrator screen devices. There was excellent input from the workstream leaders and contributors that stimulated debate among the whole project team.
We were grateful to Susanne Resch, of BNN who facilitated a second sustainability workshop, challenging the consortium members to consider the wider environmental impact of their project workstreams. The team were asked how they could incorporate the principles of ‘Safe and Sustainable by Design’ (SSbD) in their on-going activities, particularly considering the project’s use of nano-particle inks. More detail about SSbD is covered in an accompanying article that can be accessed via the Hi-Accuracy website’s repository page.To learn more and access the full programme please visit: https://www.horizon-europe-community.at
To learn more about these innovations, as well as details about the partner organisations, visit www.hi-accuracy.eu This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 862410.