High Accμracy Project
Press Release March 2022
LOPEC runs from 22-24 March 2022 at the Internationales Congress Center München
The event’s exhibition commences on 23 March and will be attended by four Hi-Accµracy consortium members – Dycotec Materials Ltd, Fraunhofer IAP, Joanneum Research and VTT.
Alongside their other developments, these partners will be available to discuss their work on
Hi-Accµracy and the progress of the whole project.
Dycotec Materials booth B0.618
Fraunhofer IAP booth FOE29
Joanneum Research booth B0.114
VTT booth B0.203
We trust you will have an excellent LOPEC, and encourage you to visit our partner’s booths to more about their expertise in research, methods and materials, and the Hi- Accµracy project.To learn more and access the full programme please visit: https://www.horizon-europe-community.at
To learn more about these innovations, as well as details about the partner organisations, visit www.hi-accuracy.eu This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 862410.