November 2022:

High Accμracy Project 
Press Release 30th  November 2022 
Hi-Accµracy M32 Consortium Meeting Leuven, Belgium

HI-ACCURACY partner imec hosted the M32 review meeting from 23.11.2022-25.11.2022, Florian de Roose gave a warm welcome.

On the first day, the focus has been set on internal discussions, and optimisation of the presentations to be given on the second
day. In particular, the consortium would like to thank EEAB members Torsten Wipiejewski (Huawei) and Jyrki Schroderus (Polar) for their feedback and valuable recommendations.

On the second day project officer Elena Koukharenko opened the review meeting and introduced the reviewers. Nello Li Pira (CRF) started with a pitch presentation focusing on the automotive industry’s view on the project. Coordinator Alexander Blümel (Joanneum) gave an overview presentation on the project results, followed by presentations given by project partners focusing on detailed project results. After the reviewer comments and recommendations, Elena Koukharenko closed the Review Meeting, sharing thereby the main points of the evaluation.        

On the third day, a follow-up meeting has been held, where all required further actions have been discussed and planned. As a main point, the consortium officially voted for accession of new partner SmartKem.

The consortium would like to thank Project Officer, Reviewers and EEAB members for all their feedback and valuable recommendations.

To learn more and access the full programme please visit:
To learn more about these innovations, as well as details about the partner organisations, visit This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 862410.