High Accμracy Project
Press Release September 08th 2021
A work package team was finally able to meet face-to-face this month, with Hi-Accuracy consortium representatives from Fraunhofer IAP and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin getting together at the Integrative Research Institute for the Sciences IRIS Adlershof.
Main topics of the meeting were the development of more efficient QD materials, their formulation into stable inks for precision ESJET printing and optimized QD-LED device stack architectures.
Before taking a tour through the recently opened research building, the team celebrated the occasion with a socially distanced photograph.
To learn more and access the full programme please visit: https://www.horizon-europe-community.at
To learn more about these innovations, as well as details about the partner organisations, visit www.hi-accuracy.eu This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 862410. ENDS